Kitty Cartwright has always solved her problems in the kitchen. Her cookbooks are her life, and there isn’t an issue that ‘Cooking with Aspic’ can’t fix.
Her only wish is that she had a book entitled ‘Rustling Up Dinner When Your Husband Has Left You’.
When Kitty's daughter, Della, inherits her mothers beloved cookbooks, she didn't realise just how many her mother owned. The the boxes piled high in every space imaginable in the house, things couldn't come at a worse time.
With her only daughter getting ready to fly the nest off to college, she could do with a bit of comfort and support. Though her husband has become a bit distant and doesn't seem to care about her, or the fact that their daughter is leaving them!
Coming to the conclusion that she should do something that makes her happy for a change, Della decides to open up a cookbook shop, not just any ordinary book shop, one that only sells cookbooks. With her wild and wonderful imagination she is soon off to look at the old shop on Rosemary Lane.
Whilst all her friends and and even her husband think that her idea is totally mad, her daughter seems to think it's a wonderful idea and that's all Della needs to get her dreams up and going.
Filling the shop sky high with all her mothers old cookbooks, Della knows that they will bring joy to many people as they have brought joy to her through the years. Though there are a few bumps in the road that she needs to watch out for, and will the store pick up the way that she hopes it will?
With the grand opening drawing closer to its deadline, Della must think who and what she needs to put first, including the stranger who keeps coming into the shop.
The Bookshop on Rosemary Lane by Ellen Berry, is such a lovely read, I had just recently finished another book and was looking through the ebooks and I can't remember if this was a freebie or quite cheap. It doesn't really matter to me, but I always have a look at what there is because you never know when you'll find little gems like this one.
The book started off with Della's daughter who was leaving for college, which around about the same time I started reading this book, my younger brother was also heading off to Uni down in London. So my mum and dad felt the same way as Della and her husband, and in fact was pretty much the same.
My mum worrying and being a bit sad, my dad being worried but not really showing it. So the way that Ellen had portrayed those characters where pretty much bang on.
There was a bit of romance in the book but a lot less than what I thought, but that's a good thing as I found it more of a book about finding yourself and doing things that make you happy, regardless of how anyone else may feel about it. I would happily read more books by Ellen Berry.
I will give this book 7 out 10

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