25 December 2010
Fade Out * Rachel Caine

4 December 2010
Carpe Corpus * Rachel Caine

Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine
'In the small town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace - until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths.
He vows to obliterate the town and all it's inhabitants - the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having had such a taste of power?'
Carpe Corpus is the sixth book by the author Rachel Caine. As there are more secrets to be uncovered the plot thickens and gets darker with every chapter.
After the arrival of Bishop, Morganville has not been quite the same, the blood bank has been set alight which means more hunting is now in order by Mr Bishop. Humans are being killed without any remorse shown and vampires are starting to rule the town.
Though Claire Danvers is in more trouble than ever and has been branded by tattoo that moves when Mr Bishop summons her, and there is no way in getting out of it. Claire has to be careful on where she goes and what she does otherwise Amelie the ex-vampire ruler will be found. And maybe killed.
The four friends are bound apart by reasons insane. Claire is forced to do Bishops dirty work and bidding. Michael has been bitten by the ever so powerful Mr Bishop and is now his slave. Shane is locked up in a cell in the middle of Morganville with his vampire hunting dad, Eve is at the Glass House wanting nothing to do with Claire, also Ameilie has disappeared without a word of where she is. Oh! And Myrnin who has sided with Bishop. Claire's life at the moment, is pretty much screwed.
Claire is now on her own and with the magical tattoo forcing her to a job she doesn't want to commit to, things are getting a little out of hand in her world. Myrnin has still got Clair trying to figure out the cure for the diseased vampires and trying to save her friends all at once. Plus trying to find Amelie for help.
Her mother and father made her live at there house across the road and think Shane is a bad influence on Claire...Her mother thinks he takes her for granted, her father just doesn't like him full stop. Hers and Shane's relationship is on the built and is slowly progressing, with a bit of heat involved.
But all things start to twist back to normal again as Claire is right back at the Glass House, the place where she belongs the most. Shane is out of jail and right by her side, Eve is talking to her again, and they find out that Michael and Myrnin are on Amelie's side and working under cover as fakes towards Bishop to try and get some clues and answers about what's going down in the town. And that there are still some of Amelie's followers true and loyal but hiding underground and in the deep of the shadows.
Morganville has started to become more dark but there it's still packed with action just like before and more running around and all four of them; Eve, Michael, Shane and Claire...are all just trying to keep their life's.
Rachel Caine's 6th book has got to be one of the Darkest I have read so far, like always she has you on the edge of your seat wanting more and staying up late at night wanting to read. You never want to put the book down (Just like all her other books) I loved this book and in some places I was shocked and in some I was just, surprised! If you have read the other Morganville books you will definitely want to read this one, it's just like the others but with more action, more suspense and also more romance. The book will not disappoint you at all.
I really enjoyed reading this book and was a great read. I would give this book 5/5 stars :)
Highly recommended for those who have read other Morganville books and also people who wish to read a good vampire book, with lots of action (and no sparkling skin :P )
So go ahead and read!
(P.S:: I know this is not the best book review I have done, I forgot what happened in the first part so I had to piece it back together again, but that's what happens...with also other bits :P)
Tink -x-
7 November 2010
Hush, Hush * Becca Fitzpatrick

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly interested in any of the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her...until Patch comes along.
With his easy smiles and his eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgement, but after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms, or run and hide.
And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is far more than unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.
For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient Battle between immortal and those that have fallen - and when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life.
Hey! I'm finally back after a long time of reading, but I have good news for you! I've finally finished all my coursework so that means I have plenty more free time to read, so there shall be more updates. Though then again I have THOUSANDS! Of books to get through.
So I've just finished reading the book Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. And I know what your all thinking by the front cover that it's going to be another 'Vampire' book, but I assure you it's not.
Hush, Hush is about a girl named Nora Grey. Nora is a good girl that would never step a foot out of line and always does what her mother says, she's always home on time and doesn't go anywhere without telling her mother where she is at all times.
Since the death of her father Nora has found it hard, her mother is hardly there anymore working away on jobs far from home and will leave for several days meaning Nora has the house to herself, though she's alone most of the time and it gets quite lonely.
Nora never found herself with a boy because it caused her to loose focus and not get good grades till one day in her Biology class on the first day of Sex Education her teacher decides to change the seating plan to boy and girl. Meaning Nora would no longer be sitting next to her life long best friend Vee Skyes. Nora is now forced to sit next to Patch, a kid she has never met before since she has never seen him round school. Nora doesn't know what to think about him, he's rude, quite and dirty plus a little scary. But Nora can't help but feel herself been drawn to him even if she can't help it.
But meeting Patch didn't turn out the way she thought it would, soon after meeting him, strange things start to happen. She starts to hear voices in her head and See's things that she doesn't know if there real or not, and he starts to get more creepy. As the story thickens someone starts to stalk her, wearing a ski mask and jumps in front of her car, ruffles her room about and tries to kill her twice.
It all starts to get worse as Vee invites the two new boys from school out on a double date, they seem to be fine but Elliot and Jules soon start to have a twist in them too.
Join Nora on an adventure to find out what is really happening in her life and what she is about to find out may shock her for life.
Hush, Hush is a mysterious, exciting action packed book that is sprinkled with a bit of sexy and will keep you on the edge of your seat, surprise you in lots of different places and have shocking things waiting to happen just after every page. Once you start to read it you can not set it down and you will always be thinking about Nora, Vee, Patch, Elliott and Jules. The book is well written and makes you thing something entirely different till the end, it really grabs you into and and you will never get out until you have read it.
I thought this book was amazing! One of the best books I've ever read since I started reading The Morganville Vampire ones a while back. The author Becca Fitzpatrick is a very talented woman who can write very well and uses very good words.
This is the first book I have read that is to do with about fallen angels and such and let me tell you, I'm glad it was my first on. From now on I shall be reading a lot more books like this if I can find some and also her second book to this one, which I cannot wait to read.
I recommend this book for anyone who may just want to have a break from Vampire books or just maybe want to read something entirely different. Or they may want a book with a bit of a kick in it.
Tink x
The sequel to HUSH, HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick is out now and called CRESENDO
9 October 2010
Lord Of Misrule - Rachel Caine

Morganville, Texas. Just south of normal.
Shane to drive the Blood mobile, one that he is not too thrilled on doing so. Michael to go staright to the Uni to all the clueless students and keep them distracted before they start to think what's going on. Eve to go down to Common Grounds with Oliver, much to her dismay and last but not least Clair to try and find Myrin, seeing ask Bishop has taken him and kept him prisoned somewhere. Though the weather is not helping them at all as it is getting darker and a bad storm is approaching, with heavy clouds and lot's of wind.
Lord Of Misrule had me going the whole way through the book, I think that this has to be one of the best in the series (so far) just like The Dead Girls Dance. Rachel Caine never ever fails to dissapoint me in her books, they are an amazing which everyone should have a go. Caine has amazingly good talent that you can easily spot throughout the whole book, the way she uses words that make you hang onto your seat and that keep your head in the book at all time. I could not put this book down and I certanly couldn't go to bed, not because it was scary, but because I just wanted to carry on reading it. And that's why I got late marks at school haha. But no, if your thinking on havning a swap from all the Twilight saga and fancing a little different to bite on, The Morganville Vampire Series is here for you. With some sprinkled romance and comedy into it as well. Great Chapters that everyone of them is a cliff hanger, and so is the end of the book. Highly Recomended :)
17 June 2010
1st Post And Welcome! :) - Glass Houses By Rachel Caine